I was offered a role in an upcoming featurette being shot at Loyola Marymount College to promote studying abroad. Unfortunately, I'm was not able to accept the role because the film shoots the same weekend as a pre-planned and pre-paid ski trip. However, there is a silver lining. The job did pay, which is a step in the right direction. Every job I work, or am offered to work, that pays, I feel is one step closer to doing this acting thing for real. Also, It is pretty nice to watch a film that I worked on, not be proud of the result, but then find out that someone else wants to work with me so maybe this past film wasn't totally my fault.
I'm really bad at taking compliments, I either:
A) don't believe them or
B)Already feel that the product is great, so the compliment gives me a huge head and ruins the work. The one compliment I do accept and take to heart is when someone wants to work with me, that the greatest feeling of accomplishment ever.
*Disclaimer*This in now way means not to leave tons of comments or shower me with praise because, no matter the outcome, I love to hear feedback.