Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sierra Cup Videos

So here are some clips from a few of the songs I performed at Sierra Cup.
This first is a good chunk of Odyssius.
This second song is one of my favorites Jazz Man the title for this song has changed quite a bit, but this one is easiest to remember so now it's settled.

This song is just a bit of Nashville.  I think it recorded really well, so take a listen.  I'm thinking of playing this one if I get a spot at the Blue Bird Cafe when I'm at home.

This is the last video is a piece from 900 minutes/ 900 miles.  I'm going to go ahead and admit that I start a bit high with this one, but it all works out.

I'm in talks to perform at Sierra Cup again at the end of January, so hopefully that works out.

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Christmas Carol

All week long I have been in rehearsals for my part(s) in the Open Window's production of A Christmas Carol. I've got to be honest, when I first read the script, I was excited that I was asked to join, but I was a little hesitant to trust the words. I spent the week creating characters that overcame the language and were, I think, show stealers, but on the whole, I thought of the script more as a suggestion; which I'm sure was slightly nerve wracking to the director.
However, the last run through I had before next weeks show was attended by Jade. I, of course, hoped to hear raucous laughter and to be, several times throughout, distracted by my own brilliance and hilarity being so thoroughly engrossing and entertaining to my audience. (I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, I wholeheartedly mean every word in the last sentence.) However, there were only chuckles.
As it turns out, Jade did like the show. But most of all, she liked the script. She had the unique vantage point to be able see it all in motion.
I've said it before here, that I trust Jade's opinion well above my own (most of the time), and after trying so hard through every rehearsal to overcome the script, I find myself excited to work through the script.
The show goes up in one week, and I have all that time to, I guess, learn my lines.
I can't wait to see what happens.


This past weekend, I played my first LA show at Sierra Cup.  Thanks to everyone who came out, it was a very special show to me, and with the turn out I could keep it very intimate.  I am talking with the venue to play another show there at the end of January.  BUT, most importantly, in the next few days, I'm going to post some video and some photos from the show.  So be on the look out.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Nutcracker Performance 1 & 2

The first two performances of The Nutcracker of 2008 are over.  Both of the shows went well, but each show had its peculiarities.  
December 4th: Show 1
This show was directly after I worked all night at the sleep center, so I was running on an hour of sleep.  I arrived thirty minutes before show time to discover that the curtain had moved up a half hour, so as I walked in, it was time to perform.  Furthermore, the show is directed and staged in the round, but this particular venue was proscenium.  In the end, everything worked out fine.  I really enjoyed the challenges presented by figuring out how to move through the audience and where to find things that were usually right in front of me.  There was a great moment when I was unable to see a child dressed as a tree standing right in front of me.
December 5th: Show 2
Working on a full night of sleep and actually prepared for what confronted me, I had a fleeting moment of, "I'm about to make a fool of myself and fail horribly."  That however, only lasted until the show began.  I was odd though, I have rarely thought about any type of stage fright or performance anxiety in the past few years, I don't know what brought it on.  These shows went well. 
I have two more dates scheduled this year with The Nutcracker.  I was talking with Jenny, the director and fellow actor, and realized that there are too few performances of the show each year.  Just when I start to be able to anticipate the audience's desire and reaction, the run ends, and by the following year, all the tastes have changed.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sierra Cup Set List

So the order is yet to be determined, but I've finally put together the songs that will be played at this, my first LA gig.

  • Unwell
  • Acorn
  • Green Goblin
  • Nashville
  • Odyssius
  • 900 miles/900 minutes
  • Snow
  • Take the Money and Run (cover)

I realize that the song I'm covering has the coolest name of them all.
Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Music Gig

Just a quick reminder that I am playing a show this Saturday, Dec. 6th @ 7:00pm, at the Sierra Cup.  The set is thirty minutes so if you are planning on coming, try not to run too late.
The address is:
409 S. Myrtle Avenue
Monrovia, Ca 91016

I'm listed on the website and I follow Tim Tedrow and Terry Vreeland, though they play @ 5 so I'm not sure I'm really following them.
Hope to see you there.

Casting:A Christmas Carol

In a previous post I mentioned how Open Window productions, which produces The Nutcracker might have openings in other show for me.  Well, it worked out, and I am now also working on A Christmas Carol, not to be confused with An American Carol.  The set-up is very similar to The Nutcracker in that I play all the male parts, aside from Scrooge, and that it will be performed at schools and with audience involvement.  I've had the script for a few days now and I start rehearsal tomorrow.  From what I can tell, this script has alot more improv than Nutcracker, which to me is exciting because I know what makes me laugh, but I'm not sure what translates to younger audiences; there will definitely be a chance to try new things!