Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Star-Spangled Girl Opening Weekend

This past weekend was my opening weekend of The Star-Spangled Girl at the Lounge Theatre in Hollywood.  The actual opening night was Friday, and it was a disaster.  Well, actually, disaster might be too strong a word.  Friday was the first run-through at the Lounge Theatre with all the props and any wardrobe changes.  It was also the first run-though in three weeks, and one of, I believe, three complete run-throughs of the show ever.  Tempering Friday's performance with the above knowledge, it wasn't a disaster; disjointed and error filled, but not a disaster.  The upswing of a bad opening night is that the rest of the run seems so much better.
Saturday and Sunday actually ran well.  I had settled into the feeling of not understanding why or feeling it, but being told the show was good, funny even, and having jokes greeted with laughter in the rights spots.  Even in Saturday and Sunday there were some line errors or blocking to work out, but, while getting dressed to leave the theatre after Sunday's run, I felt that if pressed to rate the weekend on a scale of 1 - 100, Friday's 50% averaged with two 100% runs equaled 83% for the weekend.
Gratefully, Jade and Meagan can to see the show and could give new insight and an educated critique to me of the show.  I had said from the first few weeks of rehearsal that I wished I could get a pair of eyes on the show that I knew I could trust and would give me honest feedback because I felt off in rehearsal, but everyone told me it worked.  In the lobby of the Lounge, Jade and Meagan greeting me and the cast with rave reviews.
On the sidewalk outside the theatre, their official review was weak to mild with a blend of poor direction and execution of a bad script, echoing what I thought before I listened to everyone else.  Luckily, they were both able to point out moments that were clear examples of problem spots that could be easily remedied.  Jade and I had an hour and a half car ride following the initial review to get more in depth with specific moments and ideas.
I don't know if the show will transfer to Luna Playhouse in the forthcoming months, but I have one more weekend to work with the show and now I have some new fresh ideas to strengthen my performance and this show.
That said, there were laughs during all three runs of the show and several people stayed afterwards to congratulate me.  So the show, except possible Friday, is descent.  The sense I get of this show is that it is entertaining for everyone in parts, but people who might not have seen as much or studied as much theatre will enjoy the show more.  With this descent foundation and the ideas for shaping and improving I have, I think this upcoming weekend will be worth seeing.
For those unable to attend the performances, I will be getting a video copy of the show soon and will try and post some clips.

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