Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sierra Cup Videos

So here are some clips from a few of the songs I performed at Sierra Cup.
This first is a good chunk of Odyssius.
This second song is one of my favorites Jazz Man the title for this song has changed quite a bit, but this one is easiest to remember so now it's settled.

This song is just a bit of Nashville.  I think it recorded really well, so take a listen.  I'm thinking of playing this one if I get a spot at the Blue Bird Cafe when I'm at home.

This is the last video is a piece from 900 minutes/ 900 miles.  I'm going to go ahead and admit that I start a bit high with this one, but it all works out.

I'm in talks to perform at Sierra Cup again at the end of January, so hopefully that works out.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Dude, these are awesome! I'd probably say some of the best live video of your performances yet. For real though.