Monday, May 12, 2008

LA Connection Performance Review

Alright, Friday brought about my first performance with LA Connection Improv Theatre. I'm so excited to be done with this particular performance because it was my first and everyone let me know it was my first. I will say, most exciting, both Caroline and Brad were there. They are both really talented and stood out amongst the crowd of other improvisers. Rob attended the performance, and my review is peppered with his commentary.
Overall-a weak show. It's hard to evaluate my own performance, but the feeling from the ensemble in my perception was everything was just off. It's hard to get a show going when both the energy and the performers' group bond are forced or not completely whole-heatedly true, and, to compound that, things quickly became dependent upon what the crowd provided, meaning since crowd wasn't super pumped like a gaggle of 14 year old girls, the performance floundered. Rob did offer one suggestion that stood out during the mating game, but it was ultimately not used.
There was the odd funny line here and there, and I think it's fair to say everyone got a laugh, but each scene seemed to have long dry awkward parts.
On the upside, the performers were all really nice and I would really like to spend more time working with them as a group and bonding with them as friends. I think it's hard to go create and share something like improv with relative strangers, so if I get the chance to work with this group again I think it will go alot smoother and be a better experience.

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