Friday, September 12, 2008

Star-Spangled Girl Update

I've been so busy with other projects that I haven't been keeping up with Star-Spangled Girl production notes. I think we last left off very early on in the process; I was cast and we were rehearsing in a restored Victorian home. Well, time has moved on.
We have left the Victorian Antique and now rehearse at the Luna Playhouse in Glendale. This will now be the location of our extended run as we will now open up in Hollywood in October.
I have also changed title in the company, although I was originally cast as an understudy, I now have the designation as being a part of Cast B. This is very exciting as it means more preformance dates. The only person who really suffers as a result of this is Marco who plays Andy in both casts and must rehearse 6 days a week, ugh.
That is just about all the catch up needed. Now, today marks a huge milestone in production, we have blocked all but one kiss scene and one fight scene for the entire show!!!
There seems to be a feeling of success tied up with this show. Though it feels to me like previous theatrical shows have felt, there is a sense of promise that is unmistakable whenever production is discussed.
As for my part, I continue.

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