Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fred Claus

As the lights dropped down, Jade turned and stated, "Who would bring their kids to this movie?" It then hit me, "This is a kids movie, not Wedding Crashers 2."
Despite my initial misgivings, this film was fun to watch and funny. I also think this is the first 'kids' movie I've seen since I've become an adult that had a truly split audience. I have seen alot of kids movies, but mostly with adult only audiences; being young at heart is different from being young. I can say that there were about six adults in the audience and about 30 kids. I know this because whenever there would be a overly-done sight gag, kids would laugh. When ever there was a good bit of word play, the six adults would laugh.
I think everyone in the audience enjoyed the movie, so i would say due to its diverse audience it was twice as successful as most films.
Vince Vaughn is hilarious, and Paul Giamatti compliments him well.
This film is one everyone who likes to laugh should see.

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